I can’t believe that, as of Friday, we’ll be 1/4 of the way through this course!
I can believe that, if the pace keeps up, we’ll be making some pretty cool [stuff] by the end of it all.
Today was the introduction of rails. Some of you know that I started working on a web site a couple of years ago, made a ton of progress, but decided I *really* need to *understand* what I’m doing in order to implement the payments API properly. I’ve had several “ah ha!” moments in the last couple of weeks, but today is the first time a bunch of the “whys” and “wherefores” of some of the rails-specific coding conventions became clear. I think I’ll spend some of our “free coding” time on Friday to troll back through the work I did for green planet heroes and see if I can better understand some of the trickier bits.
I take notes in 3 different places, depending on context: a hand-written notebook for things like diagrams, definitions, and references, a dated text file for the day’s lectur-y bits, and in the comments on the sample code. The snippet above is in a file where we did all the work rails could have done for us, then learned the simple rails commands that do the work. All the other stuff is now commented out above where this snippet begins, so I can refer back to it.
This is so awesome!